Archbishop Viganò Archive

The most complete listing of the letters, articles, and interviews from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

About Archbishop Viganò

Archbishop ViganoArchbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 2011 to 2016. He also previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of the Vatican City State from 2009 to 2011. He is notable for his role in reporting scandals and corruption within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and in the world, especially in revealing the wide-spread cover-up of the abuses of Theodore McCarrick, and has been a controversial figure since then. In July of 2024, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith declared the latae sententiae excommunication of Archbishop Viganò on grounds of "schism."

Use Your Judgment

Positions expressed below do not represent the views of or its workers. They are here for reference and educational purposes. Use your best judgment. May Our Lord guide your search for the truth. As of July 2023, is no longer updating this archive. (An update was added after the Vatican declaration of excommunication in July 2024.)

Excommunication - 2024

July 8, 2024
OnePeterFive Opinion and Explanation

July 7, 2024
Vatican News Report of Press Release

June 20, 2024
Viganò's Response to Summons


June 14, 2023
Statement on "Pride Mass" at Biden's Parish

May 15, 2023
Interview with Rossyia TV: Ukraine War, U.S., Churches

February 12, 2023
Homily: The Scourge of Pagan Modernity

January 25, 2023
Homily: Feast of the Conversion of Paul

January 23, 2023
Letter: Response to Reid, Cavadini, Healy, and Weinandy

January 18, 2023
Homily: Feast of the Chair of Peter

January 8, 2023
The Holy Family as the Model of Christian Family


November 20, 2022
Presentation to MD4CE Conference of Doctors

October 18, 2022
Letter to the Holy See: Note on the Morality of Vaccines

August 14, 2022
Interview with Paix Liturgique

August 1, 2022
Statement on Pope's Visit to Canada

July 20, 2022
Response to Cardinal Cupich TLM Crackdown

July 2, 2022
On "Cancel Culture" article by Abp. Crepaldi

June 24, 2022
Declaration on Overturn of Roe v. Wade

June 21, 2022
Interview with Steve Bannon

May 12, 2022
On Leaked SCOTUS Document: Roe v. Wade

April 3, 2022
Interview with Aldo Maria Valli

March 6, 2022
Declaration on Russia Ukraine Crisis

February 7, 2022
Message Canadian Truckers

Jan 15, 2022
Message to Rome Protestors

Jan 2, 2022
Call for All Bishops and Priests to Offer TLM


December 18, 2021
Letter to the American People

December 3, 2021
Interview with Cesare Sacchetti: Transhumanism and More

November 11, 2021
Appeal for Anti-Globalist Alliance

October 23, 2021
Letter to US Bishops on Vaccines

October 15, 2021
Warning on the Coming Globalist Dictatorship

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

August 28, 2021
Speech: Considerations on the Great Reset

August 15, 2021
Dr. Robert Moynihan Interview: The Viganò Tapes

August 12, 2021
Call to Prayer to Priests and Bishops

August 7, 2021
To Priests on TLM: Public Disobedience?

July 28, 2021
The Stones Cry Out: Codemnation of Traditiones Custodes

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 1st Commentary
-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 2nd Commentary

July 21, 2021
Excerpt: Sacrifice of Innocent Victims to Satan

July 17, 2021
Speech: Man's War Against God

July 14, 2021
Letter: Stand at the Foot of the Cross

June 29, 2021
The World, the Flesh, and the Devil

June 22, 2021
Response to Claim of Having a Double

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

June 15, 2021
Interview with Fr. Claude Barthe: Liturgy, Vatican II, TLM

June 9, 2021
Considerations on Changes to Summorum Pontificum

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

May 30, 2021
The Great Reset: The Latest Great Lie

May 19, 2021
Interview with Maike Hickson: Great Reset, Covid, and Hope

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 1st: Commentary
-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 2nd: Commentary

May 15, 2021
Statement: You are of Your Father the Devil

May 13, 2021
Supplication to Our Lady of Fatima

May 6, 2021
Radio Spada Interview #2: Vatican II, Mary, & Novus Ordo

April 20, 2021
On Vatican Health Conference: Fauci, New World Order

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 1st Commentary
-Dr. Taylor Marshall's 2nd Commentary

April 5, 2021
Interview with Aldo Maria Valli

April 2, 2021
Meditation: The Passion and Death of the Lord

March 31, 2021
Comments: Prohibition of Private Mass at St. Peter's

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

March 25, 2021
Article: Covid, Vaccines, and the Great Reset

March 11, 2021
Radio Spada Interview #1: BXVI, Bertone, & Gänswein

March 8, 2021
Interview: Deep Church, Deep State, and Covid

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

March 3, 2021
Reflection: Italy, Liberalism, and the New World Order

February 3, 2021
Article: Concerning the Idolatry of Vatican II

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

January 31, 2021
Letter to Confused Priests: Obedience & Resistance

January 1, 2021
Steve Bannon Interview: Great Awakening & Great Reset


December 18, 2020
Letter: A Den of Thieves

December 12, 2020
Jericho March Speech

-Watch on Video

December 1, 2020
The "Church" of Bergoglio: The New Sanhedrin

November 24, 2020
Extended Response to McCarrick Report

November 14, 2020
Letter to US Supreme Court (Read at DC March)

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Reading

November 12, 2020
Raymond Arroyo Interview: The McCarrick Report

November 10, 2020
Initial Response to McCarrick Report

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

November 8, 2020
Letter on Biden, Covid, and the USCCB

November 4, 2020
Letter to American Catholics and All Americans of Good Will

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

October 25, 2020
Open Letter #2 to President Donald Trump

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

October 24, 2020
Catholic Identity Conference: Vatican II & the New World Order

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

October 21, 2020
On Francis' Documentary: Francesco

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

October 11, 2020
Westen Interview: Fratelli Tutti and Silent US Bishops

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

October 6, 2020
Comments on Francis's Encyclical Fratelli Tutti

October 1, 2020
Boezi Interview: Trump & Biden

September 23, 2020
Letter to National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

September 22, 2020
Article: The Jesuits, The Church, & the Deep State

September 14, 2020
Tosatti Interview: Democrat Catholics?

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary: 9/14
-Dr. Marshall's Commentary: 9/15
-Dr. Marshall & Matt Gaspers: 9/16

September 1, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #6: What Should Catholics Do Now?

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

August 15, 2020
Letter to Mothers: Against Globalist Dictatorship

August 14, 2020
Civitas Conference: Theological Vision of Great Reset

August 14, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #5: Michael Matt & Bishop Barron

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

August 12, 2020
Meditation to LifeSiteNews

August 10, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #4: Fr. Thomas Weinandy

July 22, 2020
Interview with Marco Tosatti

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

July 9, 2020
Prayer for the United States of America

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

July 6, 2020
Letter to Disenfranchised Nun about Trump

July 3, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #3: Sandra Magister

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

June 14, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #2: Paolo Pasqualucci

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

June 9, 2020
Letter on Vatican II #1: Schneider

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

June 7, 2020
Open Letter #1 to President Donald Trump

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

May 29, 2020
Letter to Cloistered Religious Sister

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

May 8, 2020
Statement on Cardinal Sarah's Withdrawal from Appeal

April 22, 2020
Interview on the Third Secret of Fatima

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

March 29, 2020
Interview with the Remnant

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

February 29, 2020
Letter in Defense of Chinese Cardinal Zen

January 31, 2020
Letter: "The Faithful Have a Right to Know"


December 19, 2019
Letter in Defense of Mary Against Francis

November 20, 2019
Article Against Neo-Religious Synchretism

July 3, 2019
Washington Post Interview Unpublished Remarks

June 10, 2019
Interview with the Washington Post

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

January 13, 2019
Letter to McCarrick: "Repent"


November 13, 2018
Message to USCCB General Assembly

October 19, 2018
The Third Testimony: McCarrick and Oullett

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

September 29, 2018
The Second Testimony

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

August 22, 2018
The First Testimony: McCarrick

-Dr. Taylor Marshall's Commentary

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